There’s no avoiding travel as a third culture kid! Between us, we have a lot of travel experience to share in Issue 3 {Journey}!

In this issue, you can make your own travelling haiku, take our quiz to find out what kind of traveller you are, play our game matching landmarks to their locations, and have some fun with palindromes. Meet Amber from Ireland and find out what she got up to in Thailand, follow our instructions to draw your own monarch butterfly, and see where Flat Stanley has been. We review books that take you places, and offer some fun travelling hacks and insect jokes.

Plus all our regular features:

4 Kids, 4 Countries, 4 Questions: We talked to Jemiah in Iraq, Liliana Joy in India, Zephaniah in Belize and Josiah in Mozambique to find out about their journeys. Where have they been and where do they want to go? What do they take with them and what is the best thing about travelling?

Reviews by You: Josiah, Sarah and Simeon share their favourite books about travelling.

Continental Kids Gallery and Story Competition: Find out who were the winners of our {Together} competition and get your creativity flowing for the theme of our issue.

We also offer our Spotify playlist of fun travel songs and our printable hot air balloon colouring page for you.

We really hope you enjoy reading Issue 3: JOURNEY with your TCKs and remembering the moments of joy from your travels and journeys.

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