We are thrilled to the tips of our tastebuds to bring you this issue!
In Issue 6, we learn how tastebuds work and Sara in Uruguay tells us about how bees make honey. Jimmy, Ymke, Anna and Chambers share with us the most unusual foods they’ve ever eaten and the dishes they love to cook in Madagascar, Oman, Brazil and Ukraine in 4 Kids, 4 Countries, 4 Questions. How about you try making treats from the recipes sent in from kids just like you in Asia and Africa?

Read about odd food jobs, and crazy food events where people throw, wrestle in or use food as boats! We have six dedicated printer-friendly activities pages including a crossword, colour-by-number, and a word-search with a gross but funny secret message.

We’ve also picked the cream of the crop of books about food for you to discover as well as reviews of books and movies by TCKs for TCKs  Food plays an important role in every culture so we’ve picked some of the best for proverbs from around the world. Finally, Sarah has performed an experiment to make bouncy eggs. Don’t believe it’s possible? You’ll have to try it!

Something new…

We are trying something new with this issue. Traditionally our magazines have been free to download. Now, we would like you to consider paying $1 per reader in your family (or TCK network if you are downloading it for a group of people). However, you can still use the coupon code YUM6CK to download it for free if you choose.

Issue 6 is available in our shop. Clicking here will take you directly there! Bon appétit!